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مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي DSC_0131-660x330 Life Foundation provides legal support

Life Foundation provides legal support

In the framework of Life Foundation’s efforts in providing legal support to the target categories and extract their identity papers, as one of the activities of the project (Towards rehabilitation and community integration for prisoners back into society with the concentration on female prisoners) funded by Drosos Foundation, Life Foundation examined the prisoner’s situation, S. A. A, Case No. 2533 of 2017 Misdemeanor offenses in Al Obour – Charges / robbery – Duration of sentence / Six months – Age / 20 years – Date of release / 3/10/2017. The foundation’s legal unit determined the legal needs and the identity papers needed before release. The foundation first extracted the (birth certificate), and then the legal unit also completed the release procedure for the prisoner from the prosecution and Al Obour police department.

Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration will develop a rehabilitation program for the case through its units to initiate the rehabilitation and reintegration program through the Foundation and to end all outstanding legal problems with full economic empowerment.