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مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 16839458_1394512243932184_1504016718_n-660x330 Entisar… Starts over with Life’s support

Entisar… Starts over with Life’s support

Life Foundation has received the case (Entisar), which resorted to the foundation to support her in her complaint which is as follows:

She is a divorcee and has a son with a commerce diploma and she used to work in business and get her merchandise from suppliers as well as sign trust receipts for the merchandise since she didn’t posses the finance to pay, the debts have piled up and she couldn’t pay back so she’s been arrested, so the law enforcement has ruled to take her into prison and ten convict her to 5 years of imprisonment in Damanhur prison.

While she was doing her prison time, she was surprised that her husband divorced her in her absence and she received her divorce paper through the prison she was in, afterwards a number of her friends have contributed and paid her debt so she would get out before her time.

Once she was released from prison, she couldn’t find shelter and no source of income for her or her son that left his father to live with his mother, and then she resorted to the foundation which has offered her the following services:

  • Provide shelter for her and her son
  • Accommodate her house with appliances and furnishings
  • Provide a job for her and her son
  • Continue to offer specialized psychological sessions to her in the headquarters of the foundation