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مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي DSC05762-2-660x330 Life skills workshop(Boxing Boards)

Life skills workshop(Boxing Boards)

Many people seek a way to relieve pain from a situation or a person, or perhaps a natural reaction to their failure in something. Some of them wish to strike someone or themselves or break glass containers or throw anything in their hand to release their negative energy, which was piled up by psychological, social and economic pressures.

A girl in her twenties had stated “I heard that there is a restaurant where the person eats his meal then moves to the wall of breaking, where there is the most beautiful dishes are on display that would be a loss to simply scratch them, however a person with psychological circumstances wishes to break himself to just get a release in some cases”

When a person strikes, swears, curses or breaks, he is throwing out loads of frustration, which makes him feel that he has released out some of his suffering from the inside out. Although it is true but socially unacceptable, some places have found solutions to relieve these pressures and change the nervous state of mind some people deal with, that was the general idea of which Rasha Al Saheely – art therapy specialist in Life Foundation – has applied on an art therapy workshop with a group of cases who suffer from everyday life pressures.

Through the use of boxing gloves, colours and a canvas which has sources and causes of psychological stress for the individual written on it, it accomplishes:

– Relieving stress levels and provides self-control.

– Self-confidence and relaxation.

– Make them more comfortable, as well as, the group discusses the stresses of everyday life, and how the individual is certainly stronger than stress, but what is missing is taming these stress inducing thoughts.

– After the completion of the activity, the group got rid of the negative feelings and captured positive feelings instead.

Results and observations of participants:

Case (1): She was initiating and collaborating, and she expressed happiness over the past periods of her simple life which made her excited to work.

Case (2): Included despite his withdrawal and lack of discussion, his expressions prevail over simplicity, though far from emotional.

Case (3): Collaborating, her expressions and the force used with the gloves on the canvas was meaningful, better in terms of commitment to instructions and dialogue.

Case (4): Reluctant at first, but she quickly immersed and showed a reasonable performance as well as a sense of comfort and happiness.

Case (5): Resistance and rejection at the beginning of the activity, yet after a simple push she responded, she was mostly uninterested to exert effort towards the content of what I wrote.

Case (6): Resistance and rejection at the beginning of the activity yet after a simple push, a reasonable performance and unclear –in terms of colours- drawing is achieved, she obtains her existence through her children.

Case (7): Good performance and she showed contentment during work.

Case (8): Initially she started laughing and did not expect what to do, but she was contained afterwards, unclear –in terms of colours- “dark” drawing.

Case (9): Collaborative, quiet, and with good participation.

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