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مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 12626062_967459563348939_2133228243_n Life provides legal support and  identity papers

Life provides legal support and identity papers

In an effort to provide legal support to target groups and the extraction of identity papers, a life for development and Community Integration Foundation is an activity in the implementation a project towards rehabilitation and reintegration of inmates with a focus on women prisoners and the project funded by the Drosos Foundation the foundation studied the condition of the prisoner/  S. P. Sentenced in case No. 2533 of 2017–charge/steal – duration of sentence/six months – age/20 years – Date of release/3/10/2017 – the Legal unit of the Foundation has identified the legal requirements and the identity papers required by the case before release, so it has Institution by extracting identity papers (birth certificate) The unit has also completed the release of the prisoner from the prosecutor’s office and the Transit Police Department.

A life for development and Community Integration Foundation will develop a rehabilitation programme for the situation through its units to start the introduction of the rehab programme and integrate through the institution and end all its outstanding legal problems with full economic empowerment.

مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي DSC_0130-300x200 Life provides legal support and  identity papers