مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي _١٢٤٥٥٩-660x330-1-573x330 Oh Honey Watermelon!!

Oh Honey Watermelon!!

” I want my children back to the shelter again. And the unjust society I will know how to act with him”

Painful words uttered by “Reda al-Arabi” when he took refuge in a development and Community integration Foundation and began to present his problem to the rehabilitation and integration unit, whose physical condition deteriorated after he was out of prison and was unable to give them maintenance.

Hence, the foundation took its serious steps to stand by to help him to walk the right way and not to return to crime, through psychiatric sessions specialized in the psychological support programme and then the role of the social support programm  by providing spare parts for the maintenance of the trout that he got through a donor and began to step His first steps towards the right path through the sale of vegetables and fruits within the markets.

It should be noted that Rida was a case of the institution who was registered criminally assisted by a life Foundation to end all outstanding legal issues and problems, prevent a return to crime and start a new life.

He was one of the people who had suffered from the chaos of criminal registration, which had long demanded a life foundation to be reassessed and follow the rules of constraint in the Register of Dangerous Persons, which it should be limited to those who have committed certain crimes to predict their criminal seriousness, without being confined to it by mere accusations or suspicions, which causes a complete destruction of the life of the travelling Ed and not to leave any chances for them to start their lives after their release or even the dream of repentance.

And today a great joy on the face of Arab Rida and he is calling  honey, watermelon.