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مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 27152910_10204279750509900_790019103_n-528x330 provided A Medical hearing piece

provided A Medical hearing piece

            Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration has received a complaint from the Ms. (A.A), she began by talking about her problem, where she suffers from hearing impairment and that is in conjunction with the lack of income, therefore, Life Foundation has conducted a case study as well as a field study to verify the information that was provided, it also conducted the necessary examinations, in addition to performing a hearing scale which indicated that the case suffers from severe hearing impairment and needed medical hearing aid.

Therefore, Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration in cooperation with Al Hassala Charity Foundation provided a medical hearing aid for the case.

          Life Foundation offers sincere gratitude and appreciation to Al Hassala Charity Foundation for its contribution to providing the medical hearing aid for the case.

مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي index-1 provided A Medical hearing piece