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مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 15732052_570707583123289_8931873021793455419_o-1-660x330 launched a campaign against early/ tourism marriage

launched a campaign against early/ tourism marriage

مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 15732052_570707583123289_8931873021793455419_o-1-300x142 launched a campaign against early/ tourism marriage

Life Foundation for Development and Integration has launched a campaign against early/ tourism marriage in collaboration with Start initiative for Rehabilitation and Training as well as other civil organizations interested in Women’s Rights. The first awareness campaign of it’s kind to introduce the dangers of early marriage and it’s implications on general health, psychological health and social life was on Tuesday 27/12/2016.

The campaign aims that by the participation of physicians, specialists in psychology, social workers, religious scholars and legal dignitaries in the events, will create social awareness to the dangers of early/ tourism marriage and the need to delay the marriage to at least the age of 18 years old. In addition to showing that delaying the age of marriage relatively is not opposing the teachings of the Islamic religion as long as it achieves interests and staves off malevolence as well as it ensures family and social stability along with legal problems caused by frequent tourism marriage that has a fixed-period.

It should be noted that the foundation launched the slogan for the campaign as ( Our Girls Are Not For Sale ) which began by targeting the village Gahla Al Jabla in the Al Sharqia governorate.

The Youth Association of the village Gahla Al Jabla represented in Mr. Abdul Moain Abdul Aziz Chairman of the Board of Trustees in the Association, has welcomed the campaign team and lecturers.

Dr./ Emaan Abdul Baset, consultant in obstetrics and gynecology

Mr. Mohammed Fareed, lawyer cassation

Mr. Mohammed Gamal, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees in Life Foundation

Mr. Ahmed Abdul Mageed, Youth Association for Development in Al Sharqia

Dr. Mohammed Fareed Sadeq a law professor, has pointed out that establishing social awareness with presenting the importance of preventing tourism/ early marriage with a fixed-period and any form of ill-legal marriages is something that needs laborious as well as doubled efforts in a conservative society as the Egyptian society, especially with families that may resort to it because of poverty and lack of their needs. He pointed out that the current campaign will continue in other villages with the participation of the media, social networking, newspapers, universities and mosques. Moreover, Dr. Emaan Abdul Baset spoke about the health and psychological risks that happen to girls from recurring marriages and early pregnancy as well as the shock of divorce.

Mr. Ahmed Abdul Mageed the Chairman of the Youth Association for Development in Al Sharqia, during his speech has described the services offered through  the Youth Association in Al Sharqia to his partners in Life Foundation and Start Initiative which all work in the same field of economic empowerment and providing job opportunities for young men and women as well as the marginalized group.