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مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 12352_737204056320405_1766857923_n Social disdain and its relation with the return rate to crime  Field study on the disdain results among the released persons

Social disdain and its relation with the return rate to crime Field study on the disdain results among the released persons

                        By:  Alaa Abd Elhady

                      & Dr : Hany El Zaghandy

Study aims

  1. Declare the relation between disdain and the social effects.
  2. Declare the social reaction of institutes, agencies and people towards the released person and his family.
  3. Declare the social effects of disdain and their relation with return rate to crime.


  • There is positive statistic indicative relation between the social disdain and return rate to crime in sample of the released persons.
  • There is positive statistic indicative relation between the social disdain of the released persons and their inability to find work, so they are unable to interact with community in sample of the released persons.

Study method

The researcher used the experimental and correlated method to study the relation between the social disdain and return rate to crime. He tries also to study the relation between the social disdain and the return to work and community interaction as well.

Study sample

The sample is one hundred released people. The researcher has considered that the sample should cover all economic levels. They has to belong to city and countryside, they have different ages and various educational levels with consideration to the different types of crimes.

Study tools

  1. Declaration of the social disdain prepared by the researcher.
  2. Case study model.

Statistical methods

Statistical methods were used to exam hypothesis;

The researcher has used the quantity and quality analysis of data and he uses some quotations of the cases in order to respond the previous hypothesis.

Study results

It becomes clear from the cases study that the released person is exposed to social disdain which is harder than the prison fence. This led him to live in more cruel isolation than his life in prison.

Therefore,   the researcher is liable to rehabilitee the released person psychologically in order to be able to face those difficulties. He has also to rehabilitee society to incorporate the released person into life again. It is inhuman and illogical to punish the wrong doer by forcing him to be criminal or to be professional in crime.

The researcher has recognized that the police authority plays a main and an important role in disdaining the released persons by the use of security follow up which put those people in uncomfortable social situations and in disdain. These situations led them to look for new social life inside criminality which is the alternative to normal social life.

The smaller community represented in the family and neighborhood plays another important role in disdaining the released person out of the daily social interaction, so they will be in a state of social, psychological imbalance and continuous state of instability.

The study results have declared that many employers refuse the released persons after they know their previous criminal career or they accept them under great pressure.