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مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي Abstract-Elimination-of-Violence-Against-Women-660x330 comparative study between Egypt and Finland on domestic violence

comparative study between Egypt and Finland on domestic violence

The comparative study between Egypt and Finland on domestic violence provides a comprehensive analysis of the prevalence, dynamics, and responses to domestic violence in these two countries.

In Egypt, the study reveals a complex landscape marked by cultural, social, and legal factors influencing the incidence of domestic violence. Traditional gender roles, patriarchal norms, and limited legal frameworks contribute to the perpetuation of abuse. The research emphasizes the significance of societal perceptions and the role of religion, with challenges in reporting and addressing domestic violence arising from deeply rooted cultural norms.

On the contrary, the study highlights Finland as a country with a more advanced and comprehensive approach to combating domestic violence. Finland’s legal and social systems prioritize the protection of victims, with robust legislation, support services, and preventive measures in place. The Finnish model underscores the importance of gender equality, comprehensive education, and strong legal frameworks in addressing domestic violence effectively.

The comparative study delves into the support structures available in both countries, noting the stark contrast in the accessibility and effectiveness of services for victims. Finland’s well-established network of shelters, hotlines, and legal aid stands in contrast to the limited resources and challenges faced by victims in Egypt.

Furthermore, the study sheds light on the role of cultural and religious factors in shaping attitudes towards domestic violence. While Egypt faces barriers rooted in traditional norms, Finland’s progressive approach incorporates gender equality principles and challenges traditional power dynamics.

In conclusion, the comparative study underlines the need for multifaceted strategies in addressing domestic violence. Lessons from Finland suggest that a holistic approach, encompassing legal reforms, educational initiatives, and robust support systems, is crucial for creating a safer environment for victims of domestic violence. The study encourages Egypt to consider adopting elements of Finland’s successful model to enhance its efforts in combating domestic violence and promoting a culture of respect and equality.

To view the complete study

comparative study of mechanisms for confronting domestic violence with peace

A project funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation