مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 15183856_174182453045978_954354987_o-660x330-1 art therapy(cutting and pasting)

art therapy(cutting and pasting)

Rasha Al Saheely, an art therapy specialist in Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration, implemented a workshop for art therapy by cutting and pasting paper (origami), as well as embodying feelings and expressing them through different group games.

The workshop aims to:

  • Training to express the positive and negative emotions suppressed.
  • Develop and deepen the sense of self and repressed abilities through success in carrying out specific tasks within groups.
  • Re-experiencing painful events in different situations.
  • Broadcast the spirit of collective action.

The workshop was based on several techniques and strategies:

  • Discharge and venting.
  • Teamwork.
  • Discussion.
  • Supporting

The workshop resulted in:

  • The participants expressed their appreciation for the workshop and their initiative to request the workshop again and their suggestions for various models and other activities in the workshop, which may indicate a sense of safety and tranquility, contrary to the mood and apprehension they showed at the beginning of the workshop
  • Expressing underlying feelings and the underlying beliefs or stigmas through discussion and comment.
  • To highlight the role of collective action.
  • Develop a sense of self.
  • The workshop was a therapeutic recreational event.