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مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي IMG_1347-660x330 Art Therapy Workshop(painting and coloring)

Art Therapy Workshop(painting and coloring)

Ms. Rasha Al Saheely, a specialist in Art Therapy in Life Foundation for Development and community Integration, has applied an Art Therapy Workshop through painting and coloring. The theme of the workshop was specified, in which every individual would draw himself on the painting, including what’s inside, such as feelings, emotions, individuals and the priorities of everything that makes up his life.

Workshop goals :

  • Increasing the level of self-appreciation
  • Developing their planning and organized thinking through putting their priorities in order
  • Developing the ability to take responsibility through giving the (client?) patient small tasks to do according to their abilities
  • Developing some mental abilities such as concentrating, imagining and taking note
  • Dropping their guard and expressing their emotions

Workshop strategies :

  • Unloading the emotional catharsis
  • Discussion
  • Imagining

Workshop results :

  • Participants began with an active mood and turnout to colors and implemented what they were asked to implement according to their abilities.
  • They expressed underlying feelings and correctly placed them and determine the area posed by these feelings inside them by laying it out on the painting using the colors.
  • To think and organize their thoughts through discussing and commenting on what has been drawn
  • Improve self-image and self-appreciation
  • The workshop was an effective therapeutic recreation