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مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 15135626_1143012015776490_88143511_nbhjhkj With Life's support, Abdullah starts over

With Life’s support, Abdullah starts over

Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration has received a complaint from the case (Abdullah), where he looked exhausted and in need of instant help

He began by talking about his problem, where he is (37) years old with medium qualifications and no family

He used to be self-depended when it came to his needs and he had a rented residence which he monthly paid for until he was injured during work, he had undergone surgery in his left leg in a private hospital, but (Abdullah) was surprised with pain in the leg he had surgery on, once he had an X-ray done, it showed that the doctor has made a mistake and he needs to undergo another surgery but paid by the country through a ministerial order, where it’s value outside Al Gamaa Hospital is (21,000 EGP), he only needs (200 EGP) to get tests and the X-rays required and provide 2 tickets to enter the hospital and get the ministerial order, he stopped working since the surgery and the rent debts have piled up, consequently he found no other place than the street to live on until he is done with the second surgery and work again as well as become self-depended

Services provided

Provided tests and X-ray required

Assisted attain the ministerial order to do the surgery

Continence of monitoring the case

مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 16144243_1085224554921784_1132384716_n-180x300 With Life's support, Abdullah starts over

مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 16144514_1085224104921829_2046890860_n-300x180 With Life's support, Abdullah starts over

مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 16118503_1085224058255167_215150389_n-180x300 With Life's support, Abdullah starts over

مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي 16144080_1085224558255117_1282527407_n-180x300 With Life's support, Abdullah starts over