Home / Rehabilitation and integration Program / Psychological support / (Program of adaptive skills that qualifying for labor market) Fourth Day – Fifth group (women) – El-Sharqia Branch
مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي Untitled-1-1-660x330 (Program of adaptive skills that qualifying for labor market) Fourth Day – Fifth group (women) – El-Sharqia Branch

(Program of adaptive skills that qualifying for labor market) Fourth Day – Fifth group (women) – El-Sharqia Branch


Rehabilitation and Community Integration Unit at Life Foundation – El-Sharqia branch continued activities of program of adaptive skills that qualifying for labor market; where it held a workshop on “Solving Problems”.

The activities were aimed at:

  • Practice problem-solving skills.
  • Re-examine the interfering behaviors as problems to find solves and make decisions to deal with it.