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مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي -660x330 Life’s monthly gathering celebrates the Egyptian women, orphans and prisoners children

Life’s monthly gathering celebrates the Egyptian women, orphans and prisoners children

Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration held their monthly gathering for civil society organizations “Start_Life” which is within it’s framework of implementing the project “Towards the rehabilitation and social reintegration of prisoners to society with a focus on female prisoners” that is funded by Drosos Foundation during the period of 2016 to 2019

The event started with a speech from the foundation’s Executive Director on the activities of the Foundation and its role in rehabilitation and integration, as well as, prisoners’ affairs and about how Drosos Foundation funded the project. Then a short film about prisoners’ problems after their release was presented, as well as, a presentation regarding the foundation’s units, work methodology, services and branches

Followed by a presentation of the play “Break her Rib” presented by the team “Joanna”, which highlighted the problems of Egyptian society, as the most important of which is “Early/ Tourism marriage,” and then a bantomim show was presented “Happiness maker” for children attending who are orphans and the prisoners’ children from the targeted category by the work of the Life Foundation for Development

The foundation then honoured a number of representatives in civil society and private NGOs for their active role in serving women in Al  Sharkia Governorate

Mrs. Taghreed Saber Khudair, Vice-President of the National Council for Women and Consultant

Dr. Fatima El-Sherbini, Vice-President of the National Council for Women and Professor of Economics at Zagazig University

Mrs. Zinat Amin Najib, Vice President of the first district of Zagazig

Mrs. Mervat El Sayed Fahmy Assistant Director of the Social Solidarity Directorate in Sharkia

As well as, Dr. Alaa Abdel Hadi, Director of the rehabilitation and integration unit of the foundation and psychological adviser to the alternative mothers with the released cases from the foundation, as well as, developing the psychological system of the foundation

The Foundation distributed some gifts in kind to the surrogate mothers and some cases of the institution of the regular release in the rehabilitation and social reintegration program of the institution

The monthly meeting of the civil society associations in Al Sharkia was attended by the deputy governor of the governorate of Sharkia and a number of executive leaders in Sharkia governorate from municipalities, city councils, complaints office in the governorate and a number of employees in the rehabilitation and integration departments in the Directorate of Education and the after care department at the Ministry of Interior Affairs

Sharkia Governorate has 45 registered associations