Home / Events / Life foundation takes part in the course of “preparing a professional addiction counselor” provided by the United Nations
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Life foundation takes part in the course of “preparing a professional addiction counselor” provided by the United Nations

Regional center for social and developmental researches in Cairo held an intensive course entitled (preparing a professional addiction counselor), it’s a grant approved by the United Nations for Human Rights which targeting mental health and addiction treatment personnel.

Mr. Ahmed abdulmonem, social worker and Ms. Doaa Abdulrahman, psychologist at Life Foundation, Alexandria branch; took part in this course.

The course was for three days including:

The first day:

An overview of addiction concept, society’s perception of addiction and addict, how does it happen, his reasons and results.

Addiction treatment methods, addiction treatment schools in Egypt and abroad

Knowing the character of addict and addictive behaviors and the ways to get to know it

The Second day:

Groups of self-help and supporting

Program of 12 steps and its detailed explanation

How to conduct a psychological session with an addict

The third day:

A practical application on how to conduct a therapeutic group


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