Home / Reports / Annual Progress Report 2017-2018 (Towards the rehabilitation and social reintegration of prisoners to society with a focus on female prisoners )
مؤسسة حياه للتنمية والدمج المجتمعي Capture-1-660x309 Annual Progress Report 2017-2018 (Towards the rehabilitation and social reintegration of prisoners to society with a focus on female prisoners )

Annual Progress Report 2017-2018 (Towards the rehabilitation and social reintegration of prisoners to society with a focus on female prisoners )

Life Foundation for Development and Social Reintegration was established in May 2015 by a staff consisting of 8 individuals who believe in the idea of rehabilitation and social reintegration in Abu Hammad city, where it had the biggest number of released prisoners in the governorate. The project (Start life) was accepted by “Drosos Foundation” for funding and was approved by the “Ministry of Social Solidarity” (in August 2016). The target number of released prisoners that the project aims to reach is 300 with a focus on female prisonersfrom the prisons in El-Sharqia, Qalyubia, Beheira and Alexandria governorates. During the reporting period, 54 former prisoners met the criteria for programme entry and have been provided with services. Such services are quite unique as the targeted population is not reached by other civil society organizations. Life Foundation’s main governmental stakeholders are the Ministries of Interior and Ministry of Social Solidarity.

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